Thursday, September 17, 2009

Underappreciated Albums 1: Into The Unknown

I don't get why fans or artists shun certain albums, saying they've "progressed past that" or whatever. I think they should, if not embrace it, at least accept it as a period in their history and not be ashamed of it.
This is the first in a series of albums I deem great or good, even though the artist or fans don't. Today: Into the Unknown by Bad Religion.

This is a marked shift from their debut album, a hardcore punk album, Into the Unknown is a progressive rock album.
I'm gonna list the negative right from the beginning: It's badly produced. That's a big factor, it sounds worse than some local artist's albums.
Apart form that, this album is rock solid. Every song is solid, if completely different form Bad Religion's normal sound. There is loads of acoustic guitar strumming, keyboard melodies, and the sng lengths are markedly different from the hardcore punk songs they played before.
My favourite song on the album is probably Billy Gnosis, it's a real strong, catchy, rockin' song.

Overall, this is a solid album, I don't think BR should have done any more prog stuff after this though, they seemed to have exhausted their ideas and effort on this album, and were done with it.

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